
Seasonal Produce

The natural rhubarb season in the UK is April to late summer, however, it can be grown in greenhouses making it available from late December to March. We source British rhubarb when in season and good quality. You can order online via the button at the top of this website, or call our team for more info.

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The Pies The Limit!

Rhubard is a vegetable that originates from China and Mongolia and is commonly used in cooking like a fruit. It resembles celery as it grows in stalks, but has a pinkish red exterior with an off-white interior. Moreover, its colour does not indicate ripeness and is usually harvested when its length reaches between 7 to 11 inches, which is considered ripe. Rhubarb sprouts leaves at the top end, however, the leaves are toxic as they contain high amounts of oxalic acid, so must be trimmed before eating and cooking.

Although rhubarb can be eaten raw, it rarely is as it is too sour and is better cooked with sugar, hence why it is primarily used in desserts such as pies, crumbles and compotes. It tends to pair well with strawberry and ginger as both flavours complement its taste, by countering its tartness. It can also be a fruity accompaniment to cheese in the form of a chutney, and meats such as pork and duck.

Rhubarb Recipe Inspiration

For ideas of how to include rhubarb in your dishes, please visit our recipe area.