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Chicken Paillard With Grilled Asparagus & Tomato Vierge


Tomato Vierge


  • 500 g Tomato Plum On Vine
  • 8g Bb - Prep Garlic Peeled
  • 10g Bb - Basil Green
  • 10g Bb - Chervil
  • 8g Bb - Parsley Flat
  • 1pce Bb Lemons
  • 3g World Of Spice Whole Coriander
  • Cornish Sea Salt
  • 1g Everyday Favourites Whole Black Peppercorn
  • 100 ml La Espanola Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Blanch, peel, de-seed, and dice the plum tomato then place into a mixing bowl.
Finely dice the garlic and add to the tomatoes.
Chop the herbs and then add the juice of 1 lemon.
Crush toasted coriander seeds and add to the bowl, along with the salt and fresh cracked black pepper, stir in the oil and set to one side.

Chicken Paillard


  • 5pce Chicken UK Supreme skinless 5 X 170-200G larder trim
  • 4g Bb - Thyme
  • 10g Bb - Prep Garlic Peeled
  • 3 Bb Lemons
  • 3g Bb - Rosemary
  • Cornish Sea Salt
  • 1 g Everyday Favourites Whole Black Peppercorn
  • 60 ml La Espanola Extra Virgin Olive Oil P.e.t.
  • 300g Tomato Vierge
  • 250g Asparagus
  • 100g Wrte Rocket Leaf Salad
  • 10 Micro Rainbow Chard


Butterfly the chicken supreme and place it into a tray.
In a mixing bowl add chopped thyme,rosemary, garlic,salt, cracked black pepper and oil and then the zest and juice of 1 lemon - Stir together and pour over the chicken- allow to marinade for 1 hour.
Make the vierge as per recipe and set to one side.
Peel and blanch the asparagus
Pick the rocket and chard and mix together - keep chilled.
Grill the the chicken until cooked and then the asparagus.
Serve with the salad, blackened lemon and the tomato vierge.
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