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Gin Cured ChalkStream® trout, Celeriac Slaw, Pickled Candy Beets, Fresh Herbs

A delicious seasonal autumn-winter recipe from chef, Martin, utilising quality seasonal fresh produce from Oliver Kay and seafood from Direct Seafoods.


Gin Cured ChalkStream® Trout


  • 1 Side of ChalkStream® Trout– Trimmed & Pin Boned
  • Gin Cure


Place the side of Chalk Stream Trout into a deep tray and add the gin cure.
Turn the trout so all sides are covered and allow to sit for 3 hours
After 3 hours wash the trout gently under cold water and pat dry. Brush with some more Gin and wrap with cling film.
When required, slice the trout into 3 mm slices and serve.

Gin Cure


  • 250 ml Gin
  • 1 Lemon – Zest only
  • 80g Sea Salt
  • 40g Caster Sugar


Place all ingredients into a blender and mix together.

Pickled Candy Beetroot - This recipe is for a batch of Beetroot to keep for other dishes.


  • 1kg Peeled and sliced Candy Beetroot
  • 100ml White Wine Vinegar
  • 130 g Caster Sugar
  • 1 Tsp Coriander Seeds
  • 1 Tsp Fennel Seeds
  • 1 Tsp Cumin Seeds
  • Peeling of 1 Lemon
  • 1g salt


Lightly wash peel and slice the Candy beetroot.
Place all other ingredients into a pan and bring to the boil and simmer for 5-6 minutes.
Allow to cool slightly then add the sliced beetroot and leave to cool, Place into sterilized jars and keep in the fridge.

Celeriac Slaw - This recipe will make enough for 10-12 portions


  • 1 Whole Celeriac
  • 200g Mayonnaise
  • 180g Buttermilk
  • 10g Chives
  • 20g Dijon Mustard
  • 20g Wholegrain Mustard
  • Salt & Pepper


Wash and peel the celeriac
Trim the celeriac and cut into julienne – Place to one side.
Mix all other ingredients together and combine with the celeriac.
Cover and place into fridge until required.

To Serve


  • 3 slices of Cured ChalkStream® trout
  • Celeriac Slaw
  • 5 Slices of Pickled Candy Beets
  • Mixed Micro Herbs
  • Nasturtium Leaves
  • Pickling liquid mixed with olive oil


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